The Red Rose

The Red Rose

There is chaos in the red rose. 

Harbored at a young age, this rose’s petals lay withering and decaying, constantly suffocated by a poisonous smoke filled with anger, pain, anxiety, ugly thoughts, and vicious turmoil. The attacks of the enemy pierced this rose with his fiery arrows of lies, deception, and doubt. The enemy thrives on a heart that has shattered, hardened, and become bitter.

Depression, heavily laced with the toxins of self inadequacy accompanied a lack of self-love & worth. Caught in a raging war against both of my fathers. The only way to revive this dying flower is for her to overflow with the refreshing spring of God’s love, freedom, and salvation. For out of every devastating struggle lays room for an everlasting healing. 


The White & Pink Rose


The Blue Rose