The White & Pink Rose

The White Rose 

Clean Pure Renewed 

There is purity in the white rose. 

Not yet tainted by darkness, covered in dust, or soiled with the soot of original sin. It is where one is made whole, restored, renewed. It is where the light begins to enter in. In birth, I am cleaned, no longer connected to the heartbeat of my mother’s womb, I am found.

So, when and how did I become so lost?

The Pink Rose

Love, L O V E...

Learning what it means to stand on my own two feet, planted like a delicate seed in the ground, patiently waiting to be molded by my gardener.

Observing the environments that surrounded me, laying refreshed in the nourishing waters of humanity, the many other beautiful seeds that I would meet. 

Valuing the depths of growth and the act of sprouting, my petals of love began to blossom flourishing into others but withholding from myself. 

Enriching the withering petals of my neighbors with the ever-bright light placed inside my heart by His presence. Exposed, Raw, Bare, and Authentic, for she would leave a purposeful trail everywhere she would go.


The Red Rose