The Blue Rose

The Blue Rose


The sorrow and heartbreak that encompasses losing a loved one impacted this already fragile heart. To feel as though I am in a forever state of mourning

Grief clawed at my throat and choked me with the tears of abandonment threatening to rip me apart. Three deaths wrapped in a bow-tied present of one. 

Blessed am I to have my dreams. A now transformed safe haven where I am graced with the memory of their intricately molded faces. 

I cry at the realization that I have never been equipped with the tools of how to handle the crippling weight of a ton. 

The weight that burdens my heart knowing I will never experience their presence again. 

I am befriended by someone named Lonely

God, heal my heart so that I may find comfort in understanding that their precious spirits accompany you at the right hand of your throne. For it is in loss that this rose’s petals still continue to mend. 


The Red Rose


The Green Rose